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Fountain of Neptune

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The Fountain of Neptune (Fontana del Nettuno) is a famous and impressive fountain located in Piazza Navona, one of Rome's most iconic squares. It is one of the three magnificent fountains that adorn the square, along with the Fountain of the Four Rivers and the Fountain of the Moor.

History and Design:
The Fountain of Neptune was designed by the renowned Italian sculptor Giacomo della Porta in the late 16th century. It was originally commissioned by Pope Gregory XIII to enhance the beauty of Piazza Navona. Later, in the 19th century, the fountain underwent some modifications and additions by other artists, including Antonio Della Bitta and Gregorio Zappalà.

The fountain is dedicated to Neptune, the Roman god of the sea, and is a celebration of the power and majesty of water. Neptune, depicted in a majestic standing pose, is surrounded by his retinue, including sea nymphs and other mythological creatures. The fountain features elaborate bas-reliefs and intricate details that showcase the sculptors' skill and artistry.

Symbolism and Meaning:
The Fountain of Neptune symbolizes the maritime prowess of the papal state and their control over the waterways. It also pays homage to the importance of the sea and water in the history and livelihood of Rome as a port city. The fountain's grand design and Neptune's imposing figure reflect the authority and grandeur of the papal rulers during that time.

Visiting Tips:
1. Photography: The Fountain of Neptune is a popular subject for photography due to its impressive design and historical significance. Capture its beauty during different times of the day to enjoy various lighting conditions.

2. Explore Piazza Navona: While visiting the Fountain of Neptune, take the time to explore Piazza Navona itself, as it is one of the most vibrant and lively squares in Rome, filled with street performers, artists, cafés, and restaurants.

3. Nearby Attractions: Piazza Navona is conveniently located near other famous landmarks, such as the Pantheon and Castel Sant'Angelo. Consider planning a walking tour to visit these nearby attractions.

The Fountain of Neptune is not only a remarkable work of art but also an integral part of Rome's rich history and cultural heritage. It continues to captivate visitors with its grandeur and beauty, making it a must-see attraction for anyone exploring the Eternal City.
