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Lolei is a small temple located in the Angkor Archaeological Park in Siem Reap, Cambodia. It is one of the lesser-known temples in the area but is definitely worth a visit for history and architecture enthusiasts.

Lolei was built in the late 9th century during the reign of King Yasovarman I, who was the founder of the first city of Angkor. The temple was dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva and served as a royal chapel for the king and his family. It is believed that Lolei was part of a larger complex that included four temples, with Lolei being the center.

Lolei is known for its intricate carvings and beautiful brickwork. The temple consists of a single central tower surrounded by four smaller towers, symbolizing the mythical Mount Meru and the four corners of the universe. The towers are adorned with detailed carvings of deities, celestial dancers, and other mythological figures. Despite its relatively small size, Lolei's architecture and craftsmanship are impressive and provide a glimpse into the artistic prowess of the Khmer Empire.

Tips for visitors:
1. Lolei is located about 15 kilometers east of Siem Reap, so it's easily accessible by tuk-tuk or taxi. It is often included in the "Roluos Group" tour, along with other nearby temples such as Preah Ko and Bakong.

2. Since Lolei is not as popular as the more famous temples like Angkor Wat or Bayon, it tends to be less crowded. This makes it a great place to explore in a more peaceful setting and take your time to appreciate the intricate details of the carvings.

3. The best time to visit Lolei is early in the morning or late in the afternoon when the temperature is cooler and the lighting is ideal for photography. The temple is particularly beautiful during sunrise or sunset, so consider timing your visit accordingly.

4. As with any temple visit in Cambodia, it is important to dress respectfully. Make sure to cover your shoulders and knees, as Lolei, like many other temples, is considered a sacred site.

Lolei may not be as well-known as some of the larger temples in the Angkor complex, but its historical significance and architectural beauty make it a worthwhile stop for anyone visiting Siem Reap.
