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Algeria 오프라인 모바일 맵으로
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최고 인기 여행지

저희의 오프라인 맵에서는 29 최고 인기 여행지에 대한 정보와 함께, 고품질의 설명, 사진, 그리고 실제 여행객들의 리뷰를 제공해 드립니다.

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최고 인기 관심 지역

다음은 저희 오프라인 맵에서 찾아보실 수 있는 몇 군데의 관심 지역 목록입니다.

Atakor volcanic field

Atakor volcanic field is a volcanic field in Algeria. It lies in the Hoggar mountains and consists of a variety of volcanic features such as lava flows and about 450 individual vents which create a spectacular scenery. Atakor is one of several large...


The Awras or Aures region is characterized both by its mountain terrain and by the Chaoui ethnic group that historically has inhabited the area. The rugged terrain of the Aurès made that the region became one of the less developed areas in the Maghreb....

Corniche Jijelienne

Corniche Jjilienne is a natural region of northern Algeria characterised by rocky forested massifs rising above the coastal plain.[1] The forested areas provide some of the last extant habitat for the endangered Barbary macaque, Macaca sylvanus; this p...

Hautes Plaines

The Hautes Plaines (High Plains), also known as Hauts Plateaux, is a steppe-like natural region located in the Atlas Mountains in northern Algeria. It stretches more than 600 km in an ENE - WSW direction from northeastern Morocco to the Aures. It is a ...


The Hodna region has a length of about 120 km in an NW - SE direction and a width of about 80 km. It is characterized by the Chott El Hodna, an endorheic salt lake, in its centre with seasonal brackish and saline pools and marshes. A thin film of water...

Petite Kabylie

The Petite Kabylie is located in the mountainous area of the Bibans and the Babor Range, subranges of the Tell Atlas range bordering the Mediterranean. The Petite Kabylie is separated from the Grande Kabylie by the Soummam Valley. The Petite Kabylie...

West Saharan montane xeric woodlands

The West Saharan montane xeric woodlands is an ecoregion that extends across several highland regions in the Sahara. Surrounded at lower elevations by the largely barren Sahara, the West Saharan montane xeric woodlands are isolated refuges of plants an...

Erg Chebbi

The dunes of Erg Chebbi reach a height of up to 150 meters in places and altogether it spans an area of 50 kilometers from north to south and up to 5–10 kilometers from east to west lining the Algerian border. The nearest sizable town is Erfoud, abo...

Grand Erg Occidental

The Grand Erg Occidental is the second largest erg in northern Algeria after the Grand Erg Oriental. It covers an area of approximately 78,000 square kilometres (30,000 sq mi).The sand dunes in the erg are formed by the wind, and can be up to 120 metre...

Botanical Garden Hamma

The Test Garden of Hamma is a 58-hectare (140-acre) botanical garden (38 hectares (94 acres) of gardens and 20 hectares (49 acres) of arboretum) located in the Mohamed Belouizdad (formerly Hamma-Anassers) district of Algiers. It was established in 1832.

Chréa National Park

The Chréa National Park is one of the largest national parks of Algeria. It is located in Blida Province, named after Chréa, a town near this park. The park, located in a mountainous area known as the Blidean Atlas (which is part of the Tell Atlas) inc...

Belezma National Park

Created in 1984, it stretches over an area of 262.5 km², the climate ranges from a cool subhumid climate to a dry semi-arid climate, it contains 447 species of flora (14% of the national total) and 309 species of fauna, of which 59 are protected specie...

El Kala National Park

The national park of El Ka la is one of the national parks of Algeria, in the extreme north-east of the country. It is home to several lakes (including Lake Tonga, whose name is unrelated to Tonga) and a unique ecosystem in the Mediterranean basin, it ...

Djurdjura National Park

Nearby cities include Tizi Ouzou to the north and Bouïra to the south. The park is home to a very broken tectonics, as well as many forests, grottoes, gorges, and important fauna, including the endangered Barbary macaque, Macaca sylvanus, a primate who...

Gouraya National Park

The national park of Gouraya is one of the coastal national parks of Algeria. It is located in Béjaïa Province, near the shrine of Sidi Touati. The park is north-east of Béjaïa, close to the city. The park includes the 660 meter (2.165 feet) high mo...

Tassili n'Ajjer

Tassili n'Ajjer is a national park in the Sahara desert, located on a vast plateau in south-east Algeria. Having one of the most important groupings of prehistoric cave art in the world, and covering an area of over 72,000 km2 (28,000 sq mi), Tassili n...

Taza National Park

The national park of Taza is one of the smaller national parks of Algeria. It is located in Jijel Province in the region of the Tell Atlas mountains, and is named after Taza, a town near this park. Its total area is 3,807 hectares (9,410 acres) and it ...

Théniet El Had National Park

The Théniet El Had National Park is one of the 10 national parks of Algeria. It is located in Tissemsilt Province, named after Théniet El Haâd, a town near this park.

Tlemcen National Park

The Tlemcen National Park is one of the more recent national parks of Algeria. It is located in Tlemcen Province, named after Tlemcen, a city near this park. The park includes the forests of Ifri, Zariffet, and Aïn Fezza, the waterfalls and cliffs of E...

Port of Wahran

The Port of Wahran or Port of Oran is an Algerian port in the west of the country and exactly in the city of Oran, overlooking the Mediterranean Sea and is considered one of the important ports in each of the fields of trade and marine transportation.


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