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Rouen 오프라인 모바일 맵으로
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최고 인기 관심 지역

다음은 저희 오프라인 맵에서 찾아보실 수 있는 몇 군데의 관심 지역 목록입니다.

Church of St. Ouen

The church was originally built as the abbey church of Saint Ouen for the Benedictine Order, beginning in 1318 and interrupted by the Hundred Years' War and sacked and badly damaged during the Harelle. It was completed in the 15th century in the Flambo...

Rouen Cathedral

A church was already present at the location in the late 4th century, and eventually a cathedral was established in Rouen as in Poitiers. It was enlarged by St. Ouen in 650, and visited by Charlemagne in 769. All the buildings perished during a Viki...

Musée des beaux-arts de Rouen

En plus de la présentation de ses collections le musée des beaux-arts organise plusieurs expositions par an, dont certaines ont un retentissement international et participent à sa réputation. En 2006, par exemple, le musée a présenté huit expositions t...

Jardin des Plantes de Rouen

The garden dates to 1691 when Louis de Carel acquired forest land within which he built a walled garden and pavilion. Scottish banker John Law purchased the garden in 1717, and in 1741, after several other owners, it was opened to the public. In 1806 S...

Church of St Joan of Arc

The modern church Sainte-Jeanne d'Arc and the adjacent market halls were designed by the architect Louis Arretche. The sweeping curves of the structure are meant to evoke both the flames that consumed Joan of Arc and an overturned longship. Many early ...

Maritime, Fluvial and Harbour Museum of Rouen

The Maritime, Fluvial and Harbour Museum of Rouen (French: musée maritime fluvial et portuaire de Rouen) is a museum dedicated to the history of the port of Rouen, which is one of the greatest ports of France. The museum opened in 1999, during the Roue...

Church of Saint-Maclou

Construction on Saint-Maclou began sometime after 1435; it was to replace an existing Romanesque parish church that had suffered from several years of neglect resulting in a collapsed transept roof. In its place, master mason Pierre Robin created a bas...

Archiepiscopal Palace

The first episcopal residence was probably lying south of the nave of today's Cathedral. It is believed the archbishop's residence was moved to the northeast side of the cathedral when Norman invaders raided and plundered the region, and the Duchy of N...

Rouen Castle

Formerly known as the castle's donjon or "Grosse Tour", this tower is part of Philip's 1204 phase. It housed one of the sessions of Joan of Arc's trial le 9 mai 1431, one in which she was shown the instruments of torture, to which she replied "Truly, i...

Pont Gustave-Flaubert

The contract for the bridge construction, without the approaching viaducts, was €60 million. It was won by Quille, a subsidiary of Bouygues, in association with the Eiffel company, Eiffage and the Belgian firm Victor Buyck. The total cost of constructi...

Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Rouen

Le docteur Georges Pennetier en fut le conservateur de 1873 à 1923 puis Robert Régnier de 1924 à 1965. De par la richesse et la diversité de ses collections, il conserve plus de 500000 objets et spécimens provenant du monde entier. Fermé pendant ...

Lycée Pierre-Corneille

The Protestant Reformation of the 16th century led the Archbishop of Rouen, Charles, Cardinal de Bourbon, to protect the influence of the Catholic Church by creating a school to educate the children of the aristocracy and bourgeoisie in accordance with...

Rouen Opera House

The first hall was built between 1774 and 1776 by François Guéroult. It was located near today's Grand-Pont and Charrettes Streets. The hall, known as the Théâtre des Arts, was inaugurated on 29 June 1776 with a performance of Corneille's tragicomedy L...


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