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최고 인기 관심 지역

다음은 저희 오프라인 맵에서 찾아보실 수 있는 몇 군데의 관심 지역 목록입니다.

Independence Square

Independence Square is a square in Minsk, Belarus. It is one of the landmarks on Independence Avenue. The Supreme Soviet of Belarus and Minsk City Hall are on this square. During the period of the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic it was called Le...

Victory Square

Victory Square — square in the centre of the City of Minsk located at the crossing of Independence Avenue and Zakharau Street. The square is located in the historic centre of Minsk nearby with the museum of the 1st Congress of RSDRP, Main offices of Na...

National Library of Belarus

The National Library of Belarus, founded on 15 September 1922, is a copyright library of the Republic of Belarus. It houses the largest collection of Belarusian printed materials and the third largest collection of books in Russian behind the Russian S...

Station Square

Station Square

Palace of the Republic

According to its official website, the idea for this building was conceptualised by Pyotr Masherov, first secretary of the central committee of the Communist Party of Belarus. In 1982, a competition was conducted to produce a design for the building. B...

Ancient Nemiga street

Ancient Nemiga street

Upper Town

Upper Town

Hôtel de ville de Minsk

Hôtel de ville de Minsk

Trinity Hill

The Trinity Hill is the oldest surviving district of Minsk, although it's not part of the downtown, rather a suburb, hence another name, Trinity Suburb (Trojeckaje Pradmiescie). The historic neighbourhood sprawls along the left bank of the Svislach Riv...

Cathedral of Saint Virgin Mary

Cathedral of the Holy Name of Mary is a Roman Catholic baroque cathedral in Minsk. It is the seat of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Minsk-Mohilev. It was built under the Polish rule in 1710 as a church for the Jesuit house. In 1793, after the Rus...

National Opera and Ballet of Belarus

The National Academic Grand Opera and Ballet Theatre of the Republic of Belarus is located in a park in the Trinity Banlieu of the city of Minsk. Local people call it the "Opierny Teatr" (Belarusian) or the "Opera and Ballet Theatre". It opened on 15 M...

Stalin Line

The Stalin Line was a line of fortifications along the western border of the Soviet Union. Work began on the system in the 1920s to protect the USSR against attacks from the West. The line was made up of concrete bunkers and gun emplacements, somewhat ...



Narachanski National Park

Narаchanski National Park is a national park in Belarus, centered on and named after Lake Narach. It was created on 28 July 1999, and covers an area of more than 87,000 hectares. Mammal species occurring in the park include red deer, raccoon dog, Europ...


Nesvizh was first documented in 1223, later becoming a part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. In the 15th century, while still a minor town, it passed to the Radziwiłł princely family, and remained the family's home until 1813. The first Belarusian lang...

Belarusian State Museum of Folk Architecture and Life

Belarusian State Museum of Folk Architecture and Life

House of Minsk

House of Minsk

Dolphinarium in Minsk

Dolphinarium in Minsk

Minsk Zoo

Minsk Zoo is situated in the south-east part of Minsk in floodplain of the river Svisloch. According to the order of Minsk City Council of 2 March 2001, the territory with total area 42 hectares in frameworks of the streets Uborevicha, Tashkentskaya, G...

The monument "Zero kilometer"

The monument "Zero kilometer"


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