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최고 인기 여행지

저희의 오프라인 맵에서는 17 최고 인기 여행지에 대한 정보와 함께, 고품질의 설명, 사진, 그리고 실제 여행객들의 리뷰를 제공해 드립니다.

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날씨 예보환율 변환!

200개 이상의 국가를 지원하는 최신 날씨 예보 및 간편한 환율 변환 계산기!

최고 인기 관심 지역

다음은 저희 오프라인 맵에서 찾아보실 수 있는 몇 군데의 관심 지역 목록입니다.

Almaty Tower

The Almaty Television Tower, or simply Almaty Tower, is a 371.5-metre-high (1,219 ft) steel television tower built between 1975 and 1983 in Almaty, Kazakhstan. The tower is located on high slopes of Kok Tobe mountain south-east of downtown Almaty. Unli...

Palace of the Republic

Palace of the Republic is a concert hall building located in Almaty, Kazakhstan. It is intended for concerts, festivals and other cultural events. It was one of the premiere sites for the Eurasia film festival. Outside, with the fountains on the square...

Center for Business Cooperation "Atakent"

Center for Business Cooperation "Atakent"

Hotel Kazakhstan

Hotel Kazakhstan is the third-tallest building in the city of Almaty, Kazakhstan. It is 102 m (335 ft) tall, with 26 floors. It is situated in the southern center of Almaty. It is located on Dostyk Avenue, a major road in the east part of the city whic...

Republic Square

Republic Square is the main square in Almaty, Kazakhstan. It is used for public events. The former presidential palace, now used as municipal offices, is on its south side. The area was created by the decision of the First Secretary of the Central Comm...


Kok-Tobe is a mountain in Almaty, Kazakhstan's largest city. There is a popular recreation area on top of the mountain. The mountain's height is 1100 meters above sea level. Kok-tobe is one of the main landmarks in the city, and it is popular among vis...

Prospect Dostyk

Prospect Dostyk

Golden man

Golden man

Park of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Park of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan Academy of Sciences

Kazakhstan Academy of Sciences was founded in 1946 as a state institution that joins active members (academicians), corresponding members, and leading scientists of Kazakhstan. The main activities of the Academy are scientific research, analysis and fo...

Central State Museum of Kazakhstan

The Central State Museum of Kazakhstan is the largest museum in Almaty, Kazakhstan, and one of the largest museums in Central Asia. When first established in 1931, the museum was located in the Almaty Cathedral. It moved to a modern facility in 1985...

Satbayev Kazakh National Technical University

In the 1930s, to improve the technical and economic state of the national economy, development of higher technical education was prioritized. On October 20, 1933 by Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR "On personnel training ...

Satpayev street

Satpayev street

Mountain Medeo

Mountain Medeo


The Medeu, is an outdoor speed skating and bandy rink. It is located in a mountain valley (Medeu Valley, or the valley of Malaya Almatinka River) on the south-eastern outskirts of Almaty, Kazakhstan. Medeu sits 1,691 metres above sea level. It consists...

Almaty Zoo

Almaty Zoo is the state zoo of the city Almaty in Kazakhstan. The Almaty Zoo is one of the largest and oldest zoological parks in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Almaty zoo is a member of the Eurasian Regional Association of Zoos and Aquariums (EARAZA).

Big Almaty Lake

The basin of the lake has tectonic origin with complex shape and general slope to the north. The lake is 1.6 km in length and from 0.75 to 1 km in width. The coastline is 3 km, the depth is 30–40 m, the volume of water mass is about 14 million m³. The ...


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