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Here is a list of just a few of the places of interest that you can find on our offline map.
Place de la Bourse is one of the most recognizable sights of Bordeaux. Its architect was Ange-Jacques Gabriel. It was built from 1730 to 1775. In the original plan, there was a statue of King Louis XV. However, the statue was destroyed during the Fr...
Construction began in 2014 and ended in April 2015. The stadium was opened on 18 May 2015. The first match was Bordeaux against Montpellier on 23 May 2015, the final day of the league season. The hosts won 2–1, with both goals by Diego Rolan. The st...
First built in 1930 as a cycle-racing track, in 1935 it was reconfigured to accommodate the upcoming 1938 FIFA World Cup. It was the first stadium in the world to have stands entirely covered without any pillars obstructing visibility of the playing ar...
Axis naval co-operation started after the signing of the Pact of Steel in June 1939 with meetings in Friedrichshafen, Germany, and an agreement to exchange technical information. After the Italian entry into the war and the Fall of France, the Italian ...
The mummies were found in 1791 according to other sources, in the adjacent parish graveyard which, having become full, was being cleared, with remains being transferred to catacombs; they further state that the bodies were removed to the cimetière de l...
The University of Bordeaux 1 is a French university, in the Academy of Bordeaux. Its main campus is in Talence. It has many important laboratories such as Centre de Neurosciences Intégratives et Cognitives (CNIC), a neuroscience research center Lab...
The church has a nave and four aisles, a transept with apses on each arm, and a polygonal apse. The nave is 39 m long, while the apse is 15.30 m high. Its organ dates from the 18th century. In the 19th century, the church was renovated by Paul Abadi...
L'arrêté Chaptal marque la création officielle du musée de Bordeaux en 1801. Il prévoit la répartition dans 15 villes de province d’œuvres issues des collections du Museum Central des arts, à la fois dans un but pédagogique mais aussi pour « désencombr...
Le Centre d'arts plastiques et contemporains est créé en 1973 par Jean-Louis Froment qui en sera le directeur jusqu'en 1996. Jusqu'en 1984, le CAPC, lieu de production artistique pluridisciplinaire et d'expositions d'artistes nationaux et internationau...
The cost of the construction has been underestimated. In January 2011, the cost of the construction had been estimated at 63 million euros excluding taxes. But at the end of 2014, as the construction was in progress, the cost of the structure has been ...
Le musée d'Aquitaine se situe en Gironde, cours Pasteur à Bordeaux, en plein centre-ville, près de la tour Pey-Berland et de la cathédrale Saint-André. En septembre 2014, il est desservi par le réseau de tramway de Bordeaux, via la ligne B (station Mus...
The Palais Rohan in Place Pey Berland houses the town hall of Bordeaux and the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Bordeaux. It took 13 years to build and was completed in 1784. In former times it was the Archbishop's Palace. Parts of it date back to medieval t...
At the center of the rue Sainte-Catherine you find place Saint-Project (Auvergnat bishop died in 674). The cross intersection was restored in 1977, it was at the centre of a cemetery since 1392. The church was located to the south and its bell tower st...
Named after the French lawyer and philosopher Montesquieu, Montesquieu University is the successor of the former Law and Economics Faculty, which origins go back as far as the 15th century. It incorporates long-standing teaching programmes and institut...
As a consequence of the temporary closure of the Cazaux Air Base, the civil authorities have been forced to share the runway with the French Air Force since November 2005.
There has been a free public library in Bordeaux since 1740, when the collection of an intellectual and cultural society, the Academy of Bordeaux (l'Académie des sciences, belles-lettres et arts de Bordeaux), was merged with the personal library of a b...
The Bordeaux Observatory is an astronomical observatory affiliated with the University of Bordeaux. Built in Floirac, France in 1893 its lenses were focused between +11 and +17 degrees declination. Until 1970 it had taken over 4,000 photographic plates.
The station building, situated in Bordeaux city centre at the end of the Cours de la Marne, appears from the front as three parts. The middle part is home to the station buffet and separates the arrivals and departures halls. All three parts are parall...
The Miroir d'eau (Water Mirror) or Miroir des Quais (Quay Mirror) in Bordeaux is the world's largest reflecting pool, covering 3,450 square metres (37,100 sq ft). Located on the quay of the Garonne in front of the Place de la Bourse, it was built in 20...
The two rostral columns (21 m high) facing the Garonne were erected by Henri-Louis Duhamel du Monceau in 1829. One of them symbolises commerce, and the other stands for navigation. The white-marble statues of Michel de Montaigne and Charles de Secondat...
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